Hello !

You never know what you may find in an old box from the attic.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Paperdoll Memories

One summer, when I was small, we went for a week at the beach. Well, one day turned out stormy and rainy and we kids were bored. Mom got out the paper and colored markers and we made paperdolls of ourselves. I came across these the other day. I didn't realized that they had been saved all these years. I must have been about 9, judging from the sophistication of my art skills.lol
I thought I'd share them, as they are hilarious. Maybe I should do this with my grandchildren and put them up with my important papers. Might give them a laugh when they need it.

The first set is me and my family, I'm the spotty one on the right
 Sorry, baby brother, don't know why you're not in living color like the rest of us!

The second set are my cousins, who we were with. The big sister is missing, guess she got lost along the way.I like the little pot of flowers!
Wonderful memories!.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Some Old Pierce Family Photos

These are some photos that were given to me by my dad. I really don't know most of the people in them . I wish I had paid better atttention to his stories.
This first one was taken sometime in the 1920's judging from the clothes and my grandmothers birth date. That's her on the right with the dark hair, Gussie Melissa Pierce.
Don't have a clue who Owen is. The girl on the left is Rosa.(?) The man in the middle is a Wainwright. Taken somewhere near Nahunta or Adkinson, Ga.
" Gussie and Gertrude,in the 20's"
This must have been taken at Saint Simons Beach, Ga or near there.
 Julia Irene Miller Slaughter Hunt. Born in 1866, Ousley Station, Ga. She married a Slaughter first and then my great-grandfather, Isaac Solomon Hunt.

From left to right, My grandmother, Gussie Pierce, Dan Wainwright, Georgia Wainwright, and  the gentleman on the right is my great grandfather, Samuel Hardy Pierce,

 Gussie Melissa Pierce, taken in Brunswick, Ga. She worked at the Oglethorpe Hotel. She reminds me of Velma from the Scooby Doo cartoons.

                           These two handsome fellows are Dan Wainwright and Ike Pierce.
 Don't know much about Dan, but when I was small,  we used to go see Uncle Ike and Aunt Dorothy in Tarpon Springs, Fla. I was amazed  because they had a river out back, with a dock and alligators!

This is my grandfather, Albert Solomon Hunt. He worked for Corp of Engineers on a dredge, the USS Savannah, 3rd mate.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Long long time ago...............
Back in the early '70's (1974)
My dad ran security for the filming of "The Longest Yard" starring Burt Reynolds. Daddy died in 2009 and these pictures were in someof his things. The film was shot at the Glenville state Prison in Glenville, Ga

Burt Reynolds as "Paul  Crewe"


                                           Joe Kapp with Pervis Atkins

                                     Robert Tessier, who also  played in "Cannonball Run"


                                      John "Pop" Steadman, who also played in "Gator"

                                    Mike Henry,who starred in several "Tarzan"
                                     movies, Ed Lauter and a unknown (to me) person.
                                          I think this is Hal Needham, stuntman

                                 My dad and Richard Kiel, better known as "Jaws" from
                                   " The Spy Who  Loved Me"

                                      Pervis Atkins who played for the Los Angeles Rams

                                            Camera Crew

                                           Richard Keil


                                                    Glenville State Prison

                                              Tony Cacciotti,

                                            Ed Lauter, as Capt. Knauer (recently in "Talladega Nights) 

                                            On the set

                                             My dad and Mike Henry

This photo is labeled "Guy, make-up"

Saturday, June 16, 2012

My Grandmother's Graduation Certificate

My Grandmother's Graduation Certificate
This was the certificate given to my grandmother Oct 10th 1925. She would have been 17 years old. She lived on a farm in southern Georgia.They grew tobacco, corn and sugar cane. She went to school whenever she could, taking time out for planting and harvesting, as all the children thereabouts did. After she left school, she went to work at the Oglethorpe Hotel in Brunswick, Georgia, where she met my grandfather. He was working on a river dredge. He said she was the "prettiest thing around them parts."